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Scrimshander: Ivory Archives: Context of Change
Category Quality
Type Scrimshander
Data ID 127571

Scrimshander: Ivory Archives: Context of Change is considered a Scrimshander Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[ | ]

Qualities description[ | ]

"Heroes come and go, cast up by turbulent times and washed away by the next tide. The Drownie Chorus in Scrimshaw's amphitheatre will pay you handsomely to uncover these patterns from the tales in the Ivory Archives."

Obtaining[ | ]

Quality status[ | ]

Scrimshander: Ivory Archives: Context of Change has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[ | ]

  • [10] Search the Ivory Archives for historical patterns
  • [20] Share the patterns of history you've found with the Drownie Chorus in Scrimshander's amphitheatre

Interaction description[ | ]

  • [10] You seek ancient knowledge in the Ivory Archives
  • [20] The Drownie Chorus will pay handsomely for what you've uncovered

Interactions[ | ]

Interactions in Brief[ | ]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Stage of History 'Agree to search the Ivory Archives for a hero' Requirement ≤ 0
The Stage of History 'Agree to search the Ivory Archives for a pattern' Requirement ≤ 0
The Stage of History 'Agree to search the Ivory Archives for a pattern' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Stage of History 'Deliver a portrait of a time past' Requirement ≥ 20
The Stage of History 'Deliver a portrait of a time past' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Discoveries in the Ivory Archives 'Read the tales from a mass grave' Requirement ≤ 0
Discoveries in the Ivory Archives 'Unearth a portrait of a time' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
Discoveries in the Ivory Archives 'Unearth a portrait of a time' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
Discoveries in the Ivory Archives 'Unearth a portrait of a time' Rare Event = 20
Discoveries in the Ivory Archives 'Consider the teeth' Requirement ≥ 20 ≤ 20

Interactions in Detail[ | ]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Stage of History Agree to search the Ivory Archives for a hero Default:
Agree to search the Ivory Archives for a pattern Default:
    SS paperstacksmall Scrimshander: Ivory Archives: Context of Change = 10 [Search the Ivory Archives for historical patterns]

Deliver a portrait of a time past
    SS paperstacksmall Scrimshander: Ivory Archives: Context of Change ≥ 20


Discoveries in the Ivory Archives Read the tales from a mass grave Default:
Unearth a portrait of a time Default:
    SS paperstacksmall Scrimshander: Ivory Archives: Context of Change = 20 [Share the patterns of history you've found with the Drownie Chorus in Scrimshander's amphitheatre]

    Triggers Event: Searching the Ivory Archives
    SS paperstacksmall Scrimshander: Ivory Archives: Context of Change = 20 [Share the patterns of history you've found with the Drownie Chorus in Scrimshander's amphitheatre]

    Triggers Event: Searching the Ivory Archives
Consider the teeth Default:

A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past